Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Elements of a Strength and Conditioning Program

You want to start exercising on a regular basis. You want to TRAIN for a goal. Maybe fat loss, muscular strength, or to run a 5k. You need a program that's designed for YOU - not something you picked up in the latest issue of muscle and fiction magazine.

This article will discuss the elements required to build a strength and conditioning program.

Building a Strength and Conditioning Program

Any good exercise program will have fundamental building blocks of fitness. By this I mean a good exercise program will focus on developing the following characteristics:
  • Joint Mobility & Stability
  • Muscular Strength & Endurance
  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Improved Work Capacity (Short-term high-intensity tolerance)
  • Mental Toughness
Using these 5 basic characteristics, you can program a fitness plan to meet any goal (fat loss, sport training, general health). Let's look at each characteristic individually so we can better understand how to train for them.

Joint Mobility & Stability

Before we can stress the body with new exercises, we need to make sure each joint can handle the movements. Believe it or not, most of us aren't able to move the same way elite athletes can move. So why do we try to instantly copy their workout routines from websites and magazines? We first need to address mobility and stability.

Joint Mobility - The ability of the joint to move through it's entire range of motion. For example, the shoulder should be able to go fully overhead without having to strain. You should be able to raise your arms overhead without pushing your neck forward, straining your lower back, or compensating ("cheating") the movement. A recent article from Tony Gentilcore on T-nation addresses this topic and provides an illustration.

On the left - Excessive forward head and lower back arch.
On the right - No "cheating" or movement compensation patterns.

Joint Stability - The ability of the joint to move through the range of motion while maintaining it's structure. Basically, if you feel like your knee is "sliding around" when you bend or stand out of a chair, this is a lack of joint stability. This could be due to structural damage (the ligaments have been torn or the cartilage worn out), or a lack of proper muscular control (the quads are in-proportionately stronger than the hamstrings). 

Lack of joint mobility and stability can limit the availability of certain exercises, but with proper exercise selection we can improve these characteristics. 

Muscular Strength and Endurance

Muscular Strength - The ability of the muscle to produce a force against a resistance across a moment arm (joint). In this case, we're using the physics term of "moment arm".

Muscular Endurance - The ability of muscle to sustain force production utilizing short-term metabolic pathways to produce energy and resist fatigue. 

The ability of the muscles to produce force (and sustain that force) is crucial for posture, proper movements, sport performance, and overall health. Muscular strength is not just about being able to bench press 200lbs for a single rep (although that is an aspect of strength), it's also about the proper balance of strength.

Most good exercises require multiple body parts. Take the squat for instance. I've written about why I use the squat so much, but it does a great job at building both muscular strength and endurance in the legs, core, and upper body. In addition, it focuses on joint stability and mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles. A good squat requires a lot of physical ability. 

But muscular strength has even more benefits to the average person. Imbalances in muscular strength due to inactivity can directly affect your posture and your health. People who are constantly sitting and working on computers have a forward "slouched" position. This position shortens the front of the shoulders, and elongates / weakens the rear part of the shoulder. In short, it causes a neanderthal look.

Up Next: Shoulder pain, impingement, rotator cuff injuries,
back pain, knee instability, and cardiac arrest.

By properly selecting the right exercises based on your posture and joint mechanics, we can help reduce these imbalances and prevent injuries from happening. Furthermore, by training muscular strength and endurance, we can improve sport performance and reduce the build-up of fatigue within the muscles. 

Cardiovascular Endurance

The ability of the heart and lungs to provide sufficient blood flow and oxygen to the working tissues is required for overall health and athletic performance. Basically, if you can't provide fuel to the machines, they stop working.

Cardiovascular endurance also plays a significantly huge role in our health and longevity in regards to aging and premature death. I've written about the health benefits of exercise in previous articles. You can read about it HERE.

Improving cardiovascular endurance can be done in many ways - long distance, slow-intensity endurance training (running / swimming / biking) is just one method. Cardiovascular endurance can also be trained with short-term high-intensity exercises, circuits, and even some forms of weightlifting.

Even if your sport is 100% anaerobic (explosive, short-term, high-intensity), training for cardiovascular endurance can improve your recovery between workouts and improve overall performance.

Improved Work Capacity

Work Capacity - The amount of work which can be done in a given time. Think "As many reps as possible in 5 minutes". I find most people don't have a sufficient work capacity to train toward a simple weight-loss goal. Let alone elite athlete status. Let me give you an example:

Jake is a 16 year old kid who can't do a single pushup, but wants to look like the bodybuilders in the magazines. He buys an issue of muscle and fitness, turns to page 16 for the latest "bodybuilding workout". He's told to do 25 reps of pushups between bench press sessions in a single workout to help build his chest muscles. 

Do you think Jake can handle that workout? Probably not - his work capacity is too low.

C'mon Jake. Don't be a wimp...

In this case, just getting Jake to do a single pushup would be a 100% increase in "sport performance." This is why each fitness program must be build specifically for the individual to see maximum results. 

To build work capacity, I first start with basic stuff. Can you jog for 3 minutes straight? Can you do 15 bodyweight squats without stopping? Can you do a simple bodyweight circuit for 5 minutes? These are all examples of gradually increasing work capacity so that future workouts can be more productive. It's a slow-gradual process and there is NO SHORTCUT.

Mental Toughness

The last aspect of a good fitness program is the hardest for most people to grasp. It's simple 
  1. Do hard work.   
  2. Don't make excuses. 
  3. Don't quit. 
  4. Don't complain. 

Actually, I don't mind complaining as long as you do the first three.

Mental toughness is something that has to be earned. It can't be given. However, I find the people with the most mental toughness are the ones who survive the first few stages of the strength and conditioning programs.

If you can get past the initial soreness, time-management, and general fatigue, you'll be on your way to seeing the results you want deserve.

All the best,


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Exercise Essentials - Part 3: Getting Your Move On

In part 3 of Exercise Essentials, I'll finally start talking about exercise (and why it took three installments to get here), what "exercise" means, and it's role in YOUR fitness program. I'll also be going into detail on the health benefits of exercise and the physiological changes it offers.

Getting Started

The first two installments of the series discussed briefly the importance of calories and nutrition in your overall fitness program. There's a reason I chose to write about nutrition first: It's simply more important.  Especially for those of us who are primarily concerned with fat loss. Weight management is all about nutrition and calorie counting and while exercise certainly plays a role, it's a secondary role. Just like those character actors we all recognize from the movies. The ones who's names are never on the movie poster.

I'll give you a dollar if you can tell me who this guy is...

So while exercise isn't quite as important as nutrition for fat loss, it's still really, incredibly, unbelievably important for overall health. Also, if your goal is to build muscle mass or improve athletic performance, then exercise will be your PRIMARY focus. But first we have to define exercise and training.

Physical Activity vs. Exercise vs. Training

To start this whole discussion, we need to understand that physical activity is different than exercise. This is important because when it comes time to plan our schedule and exercise, we need to make it in addition to our current activity levels. 

I define physical activity as the act of doing day-to-day stuff, like going to the pool or making the extra 100 foot walk to Walmart because you didn't get that open parking spot. On the other hand, exercise is planned physical activity with the sole focus on improving health and physical fitness. It's important we separate these two terms. Sometimes they can overlap, but we never want to substitute planned exercise for regular physical activity. By that I mean: Don't kid yourself. 

If you skipped the gym but decided it was okay because you walked around the mall, you're only making it harder for yourself to stick to a plan. In the long run, this mental attitude will throw you off track.

Training, on the other hand, is a gradual increase in exercise intensity and duration so as to achieve a specific goal. If you haven't set a specific goal, then you cannot TRAIN to reach that goal. In my opinion, exercising without specific short-term and long-term goals is a guaranteed way to drop out of a fitness program. 

Research indicates that about 50% of people who start an exercise program will drop out within the first 6 months (Lippke, Knauper, & Fuchs, 2003). If you don't have a goal, a direction, or a training plan to get there, you're not going to be motivated long enough to gain the health benefits of exercise.

Actually, this might be considered physical activity...

Set a goal.

Train for that goal.

Earn that goal.

Why Exercise is Important

So earlier I said that for fat loss, nutrition is the primary concern. So why is exercise so important? Though I don't have a source, I once overheard a quote which sums it up nicely:

"Nutrition controls the direction of change, exercise controls the magnitude."

Essentially, diet will control whether you change weight, and exercise will help direct how quickly and by what amount that change will occur. In addition to the weight changes, exercise is immensely important to overall health. I could write an entire book on the health benefits of exercise, but that's already been done. Instead, I'll sum just a few key points in a list.

In short, exercise training (both strength and cardiovascular) helps:

  1. Control body weight in both short- and long-term. (Jakicic et. al., 2003).
  2. Improve blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels. (Leon, et. al., 2000).
  3. Improve bone mineral density in pre- and post-menopausal women (Kemmler, 2004).
  4. Improve oxygen use and heart-lung functions in all age groups (Kohrt, 1991).
  5. Improve heart function in patients with prior heart attacks (Adachi, 1996).
  6. Improve insulin sensitivity and A1C levels in patients with diabetes (Zanuso, 2010).
  7. Prevent ischemia (heart attack) and associated deaths (Joshi, 2007).

There are many more, and I'm sure I've forgotten quite a few such as a stress and mental well-being, but you get the point. Now I don't know if you read all of that list, but numbers 5, 6, and 7 are pretty huge. Like, life-saving huge. A ton of current research in the exercise field is devoted to finding out exactly how life-saving exercise is. The American College of Sports Medicine has a new motto: Exercise is Medicine.

It's also easy on your deductible.

In fact, many current studies are linking the LACK of exercise and physical activity as the number 1 cause of heart disease, diabetes, and other major diseases. It's becoming increasingly important that people begin to exercise and be physically active.

Even if your goal is not to lose fat or gain muscle, staying active and exercise can literally SAVE your life.

How to Exercise

For most of you reading this, you're already training with me. We picked a goal, and we're working toward that goal. For others, you may be wondering what you can do to start a program.

When I talk about "exercise", I'm talking about a general program consisting of cardiovascular and muscular training. A simple example would be:

  • At least 20 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every day.
  • Strength training of major muscle groups 3-4 times per week.
  • 2-3 high intensity sessions per week.
There's already a ton of programs you can follow. Most of us have heard of the "at-home" programs such as P90X or Insanity, or a strength training program such as Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. Whatever your choice of training, it's important that you stick to it.

Don't fall into the 50% category. Pick a goal, train for that goal.

In future installments I'll discuss the components of a successful fitness program as well as how you can design one yourself.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at info@bushongtraining.com or "like" my facebook page at www.facebook.com/bushongtraining.

All the best,
Jeremy Bushong


Adachi, H., Koike, A., Obayashi, T., Umezawa, S., Niwa, A., Marumo, F., & Hiroe, M. (1996). Does appropriate endurance exercise training improve cardiac function in patients with prior myocardial infarction?. European heart journal,17(10), 1511-1521.

Jakicic, JM., Marcus, BH., Gallagher, KI., Napolitano, M., Lana, W. (2003). Effect of exercise duration and intensity of weight loss in overweight, sedentary women. Journal of the American Medical Association, 290(10), 1323-1330.

Joshi, Subodh (2007). Exercise training in the management of cardiac failure and   ischemic heart disease. Heart, Lung, and Circulation, 16, 83-87.

Kemmler, W., Lauber, D., Weineck, J., Hensen, J., Kalender, W., & Engelke, K. (2004). Benefits of 2 years of intense exercise on bone density, physical fitness, and blood lipids in early postmenopausal osteopenic women: Results of the Erlangen Fitness Osteoporosis Prevention Study (EFOPS). Archives of internal medicine, 164(10), 1084.

Kohrt, WM., Malley, MT., Coggan, AR., Spina, RJ., et al. (1991). Effects of gender, age, and fitness level on response of VO2max to training in 60-71 yr olds. Journal of Applied Physiology, 71(5), 2004-2011.

Leon, AS., Rice, T., Manel, S., Despress, J.P., Bergeron, J., Gagnon, J., & Bouchard, C. (2000). Blood lipid response to 20 weeks of supervised exercise in a large biracial population: the HERITAGE Family Study. Metabolism, 49(4), 513-520.

Lippke, S., Knauper, B., & Fuchs, R. (2003). Subjective theories of physical exercise instructors: Casual attributions of dropout in health and leisure sport programmes. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 4, 155-173.

Zanuso, S., Jimenez, A., Pugliese, G., Corigliano, G., Balducci, S. (2010). Exercise for the management of                type 2 diabetes: A review of the evidence. Acta Diabetol. 47, 15-22.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why You're Losing Fat (But Not Weight)

For anyone who's attempted a serious weight loss program, you've probably used the scale to help gauge progress. You've also probably had some serious setbacks and frustrations with the dial not moving in the right direction. If you're frustrated with your weight loss progress, this article may help you come to terms with why you are still losing body fat but not losing weight.

Importance of Scale Weight

Typically most of us begin a weight-loss program with the hope and expectation that we can drop a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time. Unfortunately, the term that we use for this program ("Weight Loss") is what causes the most frustration. Rather, "Fat Loss" is the term that would provide better benefits - both psychologically and physiologically. 

A scale is commonly used to find a starting point to further measure progress. It's a simple method as it only takes a few seconds and doesn't require any preparation. Many trainers (myself included), doctors and physiologists use this method to find a baseline - but that doesn't mean it's the most accurate. 

Other methods such as bioelectrical impedance, bod-pods, DEXAs, or underwater weighing can provide significantly more accurate information as to your body composition. They can indicate precisely how much body fat (in pounds and percentages) you carry, as well as muscle and bone mass. The downside is that often these are either expensive, time consuming, or difficult to prepare. Hydrostatic underwater weighing, for example, used to be the gold standard for finding body composition. The downside is that participants have to expel ALL of the air in their lungs while a researcher (usually a student or intern) attempts to read a wobbly scale before drowning occurs.

Just breath out for a minute while I do some calculations...

The DEXA (Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry)  is now considered the best method for obtaining the most accurate body composition results. The only downside is that it's a very expensive machine which requires considerable set-up and experience. Basically, you'd have to visit a doctor's office every time you want to measure progress and that can take quite a hit for your insurance bill.

Just hold still for a bit while I calculate your deductible...

So while scale weight can be incredibly inaccurate (or an outright lie) as to what's going on physiologically, it's very simple to do and requires no extra work. This is why it's so common. But again, a major downside is that scale weight can be easily manipulated. In fact, you can vary your body weight between 10-30lbs in a 24 hour period.

True story! Just ask any wrestler, fighter, or athlete who competes in weight categories. It's not pleasant, but it can be done.

So What's the Deal?

As far as weight is concerned, the scale doesn't care where it comes from. Clothes, water, that leftover burrito that's slowly making it's way through your intestines...yeah. That all contributes to what the number says. 

The most contributing factor to scale numbers is water weight. That is, the weight of water that is flowing through your blood, cushioning your muscles, or hydrating your skill - all contributes to the number on the scale. In fact, if you drink 16oz of water: Congratulations, you just gained a pound!

Someone stop her before she gets too fat!

Before you freak out and start throwing away all your water bottles, understand that this is a normal day-to-day fluctuation in weight that is REQUIRED. Remember, over 50% of your body is composed of water. Depending on who you ask, that number could be as high as 60-70%. When you drink water, it's slowly absorbed and shuttled into the blood stream, muscles, brain, and even fat cells. This is where the scale confusion comes from.

Fat Cells Need Water Too

Assuming you're properly dieting and exercising, you should be in a calorie deficit. That is, your body is expending more energy that it is consuming. As a result, you will gradually burn excess body fat.

While this can get a bit complicated (and I have forgotten many of the physiological steps since I've been out of school), the basics hold up: Eat less, exercise more, lose body fat. 

The frustration comes from when body fat is slowly lost, yet excess water is retained. During new exercise programs, or diets in which you consume more water, your body may get a little confused with what to do with all this excess H20. Water retention may be increased so as to provide for the newly working muscles. In addition, there is some research and professional speculation that fat cells themselves absorb water after they have been depleted.

That's right, you're burning fat, and then regaining the weight in water! 

Now add in the fact that some people hold more water than others (women especially), and that caffeine, hormones, food intake, and monthly fluctuations can further add to the water retention, and you have a recipe for frustration.

Don't Panic

So how do we deal with this seemingly impossible task? The best thing to do is to keep calm and continue as planned. Don't get frustrated with the apparent "lack of progress". As time goes on, your body will remove excess water and learn how to properly balance H20 levels, leading to a appearance of steady weight-loss.

Here are a few tips:

1) Don't weigh more than once per week.
2) Weigh consistently - same time, same place, same outfit once per week or less.
3) Use your appearance in the mirror and the fit of your clothes for guidelines.
4) Don't quit or become frustrated after short fluctuations (small ups or downs). 

Remember, it's the long-term health we're concerned about. However, if you're actively dieting, exercising, monitoring your food intake, and being honest with yourself, you'll make the progress you want to see.

Don't look for shortcuts, but don't give up.

As always, email me with questions or comments: info@bushongtraining.com


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Exercise Essentials - Part 2: Weight Loss Through Diet

For the second installment of Exercise Essentials, we'll look at how body weight is changed (up or down) and I'll give you two nutritional guidelines to help you reach your goals.


It requires hard work.

Lose 10lbs With This One Weird Trick!

You've probably seen the online ads or the late night infomercials that promise quick weight loss results. Maybe your friend told you about this diet he went on last month that made him lose 10lbs overnight. If you've ever tried these get-fit-quick methods, you'll eventually come to the conclusion they don't quite offer the promised reward. If weight loss were easy, you wouldn't be reading this.

So let's cut right to the point and say it: Getting fat is easy. Losing fat is hard.

Changing your body weight requires hard work and discipline. There's no magic bullet or shortcut.

HOWEVER, we can simplify and streamline the process to make it as easy as possible. Not easy, just easier than clicking random online ads. 

The Simple Formula

Believe it or not (and I don't care which one), there is a very simple formula for changing your body weight.

Change in Weight = Calories Consumed - Calories Expended

If you remember how Calories work from the previous installment, you'll understand the background behind this formula. It really is that simple. Let me explain it: If you consume excess energy, your body will store it. If you under consume energy, your body will use that storage.

You'll notice that I use the term "Change in Weight" because this formula can go either direction. If you want to gain weight, the same principle is used. Eating excess calories will promote building tissue.

While this formula is pretty straightforward, the two major components ("Calories Consumed", and "Calories Expended") can become increasingly complicated. I'll take some time to break down the first one, and we'll look at expending calories in the next article. 

Calories Consumed

We get calories from three major sources: Carbohydrates (4 per gram), proteins (4 per gram), and fats (9 per gram). In addition, other sources such as alcohol can provide up to 7 calories per gram. However, there is currently some debate on whether calories from alcohol can lead to weight gain. (Don't take this to mean alcoholic drinks are a freebie. Most beers, mixed drinks, and cocktails contain sugars and carbohydrates which will most certainly lead to weight gain if overly consumed.)

When you eat, you consume the total amount of calories from a gram-to-gram breakdown of the food. For instance, if you eat a piece of whole wheat toast with two tablespoons of peanut butter, you're consuming 285 Calories. 

Toast = 81 Calories
15g Carbohydrates (60 Cals)
3g Protein (12 Cals)
1g Fat (9 Cals)

Peanut Butter = 204 Calories
8g Carbohydrates (32 Cals)
7g Protein (28 Cals)
16g Fat (144 Cals)

That single piece of toast with peanut butter contains nearly 300 calories. So you can see how the energy consumption can start to build up over the course of a single day. Here's an example breakfast, both containing 300 calories.

Taken from Sparkpeople.com - an Example 300 Calorie Breakfast

Where the Calories Add Up

Now the questions start to arise: How many calories should I eat? Where should they come from? Are carbs really bad for you? Shouldn't I just cut out the fat?

The simple answer is that there is no simple answer. Each question could have (and does have) an entire book written about it. But I'll offer one suggestion: Rather than worry about the source of the calories, let's focus on the actual amount. Most fad diets or eating plans all have one thing in common - they usually require you to consume less calories than you are currently eating. This is what triggers the weight loss.

To succeed in your goal, do two things:
  1. Calculate how many calories you should consume each day to maintain your current body weight.  
  2. Eat 300-500 Calories less than that number.
It really is that simple. Unfortunately, number two requires constant moderation and awareness. This is the hardest part for people who struggle with weight loss. Usually we are so comfortable with our current habits (consuming way more calories than we need) that any attempt to change them is met with failure and frustration. If you are having difficulty making your weight loss goals, I would guarantee it's because you're not consuming less calories. You need to take a very hard look at your current nutritional habits and adjust accordingly.

There is no easy way around this. If you're having difficulty losing weight, I recommend recording and analyzing your nutrition. To do this, I use the program myfitnesspal. It's available free online and as a smartphone app. 

Calculate your daily caloric requirements. Go to my website, use the nutrition resources on the left side of the page to find out exactly how many calories you should eat each day. Then go to www.myfitnesspal.com, create a free account, monitor your food, and record it using the program. It will give you a gram-by-gram breakdown of what you're eating and how many calories you're consuming each day. If you're being honest with your food log, you should start to see the results you want within the first few days. 

Moderation is for the Weak

Don't take this lightly. You're spending too much time and energy stressing over your lack of progress. Focus on the issue, tackle it with everything you have. Treat the problem as if it were a disease that was directly affecting you. 

Hit me with your questions or comments - email me at info@bushongtraining.com.